Venue: WTO Library
Using Trade Tools to Fight Climate Change is a hot-off-the press book focused on practical measures that can be taken to harness the power of trade and trade tools to address climate change, ranging from promoting the transfer of technology allowing local cement production to capture and store carbon, to using services commitments to open doors to climate migrants, to details on everything from green steel to a circular plastics economy to greenhouse gas measurement metrics to carbon clubs. Based on papers written by Georgetown Law students and edited by Jennifer Hillman and Loriane Damian, this book offers sound legal assessments of what can make a climate measure WTO consistent and how new norms could be established to separate bad from good subsidies. An excellent guide for policymakers looking to take bolder action on climate change through trade measures without triggering trade reprisals.
- Katrin Kuhlmann, Professor and Co-Director, Center on Inclusive Trade and Development, Georgetown Law (Moderator)
- Carolyn Deere Birkbeck, Founder and Executive Director , Forum on Trade, Environment & the SDGs
- Jennifer Hillman, Professor and Co-Director, Center on Inclusive Trade and Development, Georgetown Law
- Emilie Kerstens, Co-editor of Using Trade Tools to Fight Climate Change
- Joan Lim, Young Professional, Trade and Environment Division, World Trade Organisation