S26: How Can Multilateral Trade Policy Advance the Global Sustainability Agenda?
Organizer: UK Department of International Trade
Experts Wednesday September, 30
15:00 — 16:30 (90m)
Geneva Trade Week is supported by:

Bringing trade and environment policy together is vital to advance a green, resilient, and inclusive economic recovery and to meet the global challenge of climate change.

Chaired by Ambassador Julian Braithwaite, UK Permanent Representative to the WTO, this session will draw on expertise from across governments, NGOs and industry, to facilitate a multifaceted discussion on how countries can utilise trade policy levers to secure global green growth and prosperity.

We will be exploring the steps the UK has made to liberalise trade in environmental goods, as well as considering how countries can work collaboratively and inclusively to ‘build back better’.
At this critical moment for our planet, and in the run up to COP26, we invite you to join us in asking: how can multilateral trade policy advance the global sustainability agenda?

Key questions:

  1. How can trade liberalisation have a positive impact on sustainability, economic development and business?
  2. How can countries, especially developing countries, use trade policy as a vehicle for environmental sustainability and economic development?
  3. Where does green liberalisation fit in the effort to ‘build back better’ after Covid-19?

In the second portion of the session, the floor will open for a moderated audience discussion guided by the question:

What are some practical steps governments and business can take to effectively work together toward advancing the sustainable trade agenda?’


Continue the conversation in the dedicated chat on the Beyond Trade Network.

This session will be simultaneously translated into French, Spanish and English (when needed) via the Interactio application, by entering the code GTW2020 (please use headphones). Open the application in your Web browser or download it for iOS Mobile App or for Android App.

Organizer: UK Department of International Trade
Experts Wednesday September, 30 15:00 — 16:30 (90m)