S8: Training Panel: Explaining Trade to a Non-Trade Audience
Organizer: The TradeExperettes
Experts Tuesday September, 29
09:00 — 10:30 (90m)
Trade and...
Geneva Trade Week is supported by:

<< The recording of this session is not available by request of the organizers >>

This practical training session will share tips and best practices on how to communicate complex trade issues engagingly and accessibly to a non-trade audience. Trade trainers and public commentators are more and more frequently called upon to swiftly bring an audience that has never previously considered such issues up to speed on trade policies and their benefits, how they impact daily life, and their contribution to the economy.

This session draws on the experience of practicing trade trainers from a range of backgrounds to discuss model approaches to teaching trade.

Trainers will share experiences, tips, tools and a tricks for explaining trade in a way that resonates.

Key Questions:

  1. What are some best practices for keeping a non-trade audience engaged on complex trade issues?
  2. What are the tips and tricks leading trainers use to accessibly communicate complexity?
  3. What are the most common myths trade trainers have to debunk?

In the second portion of the session, the floor will open for a moderated audience discussion guided by the questions:

  • Are there features of trade trainings you would like to be able to deliver or receive differently?
  • Do you have any specific, positive or negative experiences of trade training sessions you would like to share?


Continue the conversation in the dedicated chat on the Beyond Trade Network.

This session will be simultaneously translated into French, Spanish and English (when needed) via the Interactio application, by entering the code GTW2020 (please use headphones). Open the application in your Web browser or download it for iOS Mobile App or for Android App.

Organizer: The TradeExperettes
Experts Tuesday September, 29 09:00 — 10:30 (90m)
Trade and...